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MuniBilling Blog: Marketing

How to Plan for a Smooth Utility Billing System Transition

14 minutes read

One of the most anxiety-inducing aspects of setting up a new mission-critical software system is the transition between those two systems. There’s a lot that could go wrong, not to mention all of the questions of buyer’s remorse that go along with purchasing a new system.

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Why the Quoted Price Of Utility Billing Doesn't Tell The Full Story

14 minutes read

It's been ingrained in us that cheaper is better, but it’s also known that you get what you pay for. A more affordable price point may mean more headaches and heartache when figuring out the cost of your next Utility Billing System.

But how can you take everything in to uncover the entire story behind a system's quoted price? How do you compare apples to oranges?

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Applicable Lessons on Change Management Utilities Can Learn From

10 minutes read

In a world of 3-minute YouTube videos, TikTok clips, and Snapchat, our attention span and the world are incredibly short. (I have probably already lost many of those who started reading this article).

To succeed in any organization, you must consistently reinvent who you are as an individual and how you work and help to influence positive change. 

So, how does this attention-deficit live in harmony with the need for constant change?

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4 Ways To Make Your Billing Process Easier

12 minutes read

The saying goes "if something is not broke don't fix it," and it can be easy to associate that same mentality when it comes to your billing process. Relying on the “not broke yet” philosophy may prevent you from realizing the critical benefits of incremental improvements.

However, we want to let you know that it's okay to change a process that has always worked! Because sometimes, and usually this ends up being the case, there's a better way to execute on it that makes it easier on everyone.

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Why Do Merchant Processing Reporting Fees Exist…And Why Do Utilities Need to Know About Them

9 minutes read

As is the nature of any business, sometimes unexpected fees pop up.

But do you ever wonder why you’re sometimes hit with that unexpected annual credit card fee out of nowhere? What is this fee, and why is it added to the bill?

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What The Latest USPS Changes Mean For Utility Billing Providers

14 minutes read

"Snail mail" has always been the go-to when it comes to billing and invoicing your customers. However, modern technology has advanced so much that billing can be delivered in less than a minute! Making "snail mail" not the only plausible option anymore.
But now costs are increasing and that is hitting all billing entities' bottom line, especially those who bill for utilities. Not only does it cost more, it's taking almost double the amount of time for bills to be received to your customers.

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How Client Success Ensures Your Longterm Success

14 minutes read

Do you find that you really haven't communicated with anyone from your Utility Billing Service provider in years?
Maybe you're finding that you know most of how your software works, but don't really know how to use your new system to the depth of its capabilities?
There's one thing that can ensure your long-term success with any piece of software...and that's Client Success!

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3 Tips for a Smooth Utility Billing Software Implementation

4 minutes read

When your business decides to switch to a new utility billing software, the process can seem daunting. The good news is that with a little preparation, your implementation can be smooth and successful.

Here are a few tips:

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5 Tips To Get Your Utility Billing Customers To Use a Customer Portal

5 minutes read

In the digital age, customers want to be able to do things electronically. In fact, 81% of customers attempt to take care of matters on their own before reaching out to a customer service rep.

This is especially true when it comes to their utility bills. 

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5 Reasons Why ERPs Alone Are an Inefficient Choice for Utility Billing

14 minutes read

Have you ever tried to work on a project where you’ve had a tool that’s just “close enough” to get the job done, but not the right tool for the job?

Sure, you might be able to hammer a screw into a piece of wood with enough force and will power…But isn’t using a screwdriver so much more efficient and effective?

Maybe a Toyota Corolla could win the Indy 500, but wouldn’t a highly engineered Indy car be a better fit to get to victory lane?

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